Jack explains why he’s an Unaffiliated voter

I worry that hyper-partisan behavior is spreading like a poisonous weed.  Its negative influence led me to return to being unaffiliated several years ago.  I know I’m not alone in this concern and suspect it has led others to change their own political registration.  

Being unaffiliated and acting without bias sends a clear message of not being beholden; that people come before party.  Focusing on finding agreement, compromising when it’s right, and always making decisions that are best for Cary’s residents makes us a better community.

Though I have changed my political registration, I have never changed the values that guide me: ‘invest rather than spend’ fiscal principles, my commitment to protect our environment through sustainable and resilient energy initiatives, my affirmation of social and racial equality, and my determination to keep representing the people of Cary with open eyes, an open mind and an open door. 

As a member of our town council, I have always believed in free and fair debate when conducting the people’s business.  I believe a nonpartisan town council has helped make Cary a nationally recognized leader in quality-of-life measures. Remaining so will keep our community a wonderful place to live, work, play and retire.

Despite a growing partisanship around the country, I am hopeful our Cary elections will continue to be nonpartisan.  It has served us well.  I hope you agree.

Best Regards,
