“People have described my common sense approach to public service as ‘neighborhood friendly’.  I like to agree. As the Town Council's senior member, I’m proud of my accomplishments. My professional experience and the institutional knowledge I draw upon continues to deliver for Cary.


JACK'S RECORD -  More than 30 neighborhoods call District C home.  All at some time or another have asked for Jack's help on issues impacting their property values and quality of life.  Jack has worked to address and satisfactorily resolve their concerns.  Through good planning and common sense zoning Cary citizen's home values far exceed any other municipality in Wake County and resale values remain exceptional.  The adoption in 2017 of our new and comprehensive Cary Community Plan is now the foundation for driving good, environmentally-friendly development for the next 25 years.


JACK'S RECORD -  Cary is more than 85 percent built out. Much of its future growth will be in areas of ‘infill’ and older areas ripe for redevelopment – both of which pose challenges to our existing neighborhoods. It is imperative we continue to incorporate stringent environmental guidelines to sustain our quality of life.  Jack has led efforts to protect Lake Jordan, increase our buffers, pursue multimodal transportation, expand solar power, prioritize sustainability, promote recycling and reclaimed water initiatives. His “green” initiatives have earned him the Sierra Clubs endorsement in every election cycle.  Through Jack's diligent leadership and the town’s stewardship, Cary has achieved the highest fire, police, parks and recreation program recognitions.  All are nationally accredited and have been recognized as 'best of the best'.  Cary continually is nationally recognized as one of the most livable, family friendly and safest cities in the U.S.


JACK'S RECORD -  Cary has been nationally recognized for its 'fiscal health' - and is in the top two percent of all cities in the US.  Our cash reserves exceed Charlotte's and far exceed the minimum required by the State, reserves which helped Cary weather the 18-month pandemic crisis with no loss of critical services.

Jack has repeatedly led efforts to keep taxes low, and the coming year's town budget reduces taxes by a half-cent, keeping Cary’s tax rate the lowest in Wake County and making it the second consecutive year the town’s operating budget is less than that of the previous two years – an accomplishment that’s nearly unheard of in government.

In 2003 he voted against entire town budget because he did not agree with its significant increase in the debt balance. And, on five occasions, Jack has successfully presented to the bond rating agencies on Cary's financial health. After each presentation, Cary's rating improved and now stands at AAA.


JACK'S RECORD -   Economic Development is Jack's wheelhouse.  His professional foundation includes 25-year Fortune 20 executive and VP experience, 14-year owner and principal consultant of an organizational effectiveness and executive search business and, most recently, as an entrepreneur in a boutique travel business catering to avid golfers chasing their dreams around the globe.  He has had many opportunities to use his skills and experience helping Cary grow responsibly. Jack's corporate recruiting efforts over the years helped Cary become recognized one of the hottest areas to locate a business.   Cary’s economic development approach continues to attract domestic and international companies, resulting in over 10,000 new, high paying jobs the past four years alone, helping Cary’s unemployment rate remain well below the State and National averages.  Cary is now viewed as the place to be, to invest and do business for businesses small and internationally-renowned alike.  Its “overnight” downtown success was 10+ years in the making, and Jack takes pride in being a key player in that effort.