Jack Smith response to the Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS®

What are your top three public policy priorities?

At the State/Federal level my top two priorities are working on affordable housing and environmental funding grants to assist in addressing our regions explosive growth.  Locally my key priority remains focused on policy issues impacting the quality of life in our neighborhoods primarily in the areas of:   ‘Infill Redevelopment’, ‘Aging Infrastructure’ and ‘Stormwater Management’. 

Do you believe the elected body you are seeking to be part of is headed in the right direction?  If no, what are some of the immediate changes you would make?

Yes, but I do have a concern that party politics is encroaching into municipal elections diluting the integrity of local decision making.  Having municipal elections remain nonpartisan on the ballot helps promote a collegial and collaborative approach to common sense problem solving that fosters a thoughtful and strategic approach.  

What is the single most critical issue facing your municipality today?

With the explosive growth of the region, affordable housing (as well as all housing stock) is clearly emerging a top priority and the critical issue is how to manage the crisis.  As the former owner of my own company focusing on organizational development, I have been blessed to 'apply my trade' in helping Cary grow responsibly.  I take pride in my skill set helping Cary remain focused on strategic measurable long term solutions and not to get caught up in fad political populists movements.

There is a critical shortage in our area that is driving up the price homes.  What specific measures can your municipality take to address this problem?

The housing shortage has two dimensions – housing stock in general and affordability.  Though the challenge are similar, there are nuances to the approaches.  

Regarding affordability:   As a result of my leadership, Cary has a track record of collaborative partnerships to encourage and promote affordable housing with no compromise to our high quality of life standards.  All citizens of Cary are entitled to all the benefits Cary has to offer.  We’ve had extraordinary success partnering with non-profits such as Habitat For Humanity and DHIC and both have acknowledged my leadership role in recent efforts.  In addition our innovative Project Phoenix program ensures all our affordable housing is safe and family friendly.  ‘Imagine Cary’, now in its 6th year, was a citizen intensive process that is our ‘playbook’ and now the foundation for driving affordable mixed use development for the next 25 years.

Regarding housing stock:  Obviously the solution is build more homes, primarily multi-family.  A challenge for Cary as we are 85% built out. Our best opportunities are in the area of infill redevelopment, particularly in failing strip malls.  A good example was our working with the Glenaire Senior Living Community in their expansion onto the adjacent failing shopping center.   


What are your thoughts on the importance of private property rights and homeowner rights?

Balance is the key and the eternal challenge at the local level is to  strive to seek the best interests for ‘the greater good for Cary’ versus not harming private property owners rights.  Cary’s zoning is very detailed and this has helped to mitigate these contradictions.  In addition about 50% of the homes in Cary are in a HOA which also helps to mute the concern. 

What is your favorite thing about your city/town?

Of course I’m ecstatic at the 15 year ‘overnight’ success of our vibrant downtown but I still consider Jack Smith Park my favorite thing 😉.

You didn’t ask but……

I have lived through many ‘regime changes’ and I am familiar and comfortable working in an environment of constant change.  My ‘MO’ is listen first and keep an open mind.  I work to earn the trust of others.  I encourage dialogue and authentic behavior.  I embrace evidence based diverse and divergent viewpoints before making major decisions.  My leadership style is focused on adaptability – it’s about being able to distinguish the essential from the expendable in order to best craft strategies and solutions to meet challenges.