Jack Smith’s Campaign Platform

Cary can do better. These are Jack’s priorities.

Stronger focus on public safety at the neighborhood level

As Cary has grown, so has crime - especially in the cities around us.  While we’re one of the safest communities in the country, we can’t rest on our laurels. 

I’ve asked for a review of the town’s preparedness to respond to an active shooter or other domestic terror situation, and to report to the town council what it would take to have a specially trained and specially equipped unit ready, willing, and able to respond in minutes anywhere in Cary – especially in one of our schools. Saying or hoping “it can’t happen here” is not responsible leadership.

We need to increase police visibility so we don’t look like a soft target for criminals, including an enhanced and broader neighborhood watch program.  

And, let’s expand the scope of the town’s public safety programs into cyberspace by helping individuals and small businesses better protect themselves from cybercrimes and online scams. 

Broaden Cary’s environmental protections 

Expand Cary’s ‘My Tree, Our Tree’ program with more opportunities for residents to receive and plant more native trees at a quicker pace; and add drought tolerant bushes and native plants to the program to help reduce watering needed to keep the town green when it’s hot and dry.

We can better-promote sustainability and responsible stewardship of the environment by working to increase residential and commercial recycling through education, community-wide events and adding bulk disposal locations.  Let’s become the leader in organic management by building on our successful compostable waste drop off program and by piloting curbside pickup.

Cary should pursue requiring those who make packaging materials pay a share of what is costs to recycle them.  They’re doing it in other states; let’s lead the effort to make it possible in North Carolina.

Cary should install quick-chargers for electric vehicles in the town’s parks and offices, in areas where people park to use our greenways, and in both our downtown and our popular shopping and entertainment areas.

And, let’s require the town to buy electric vehicles where possible as existing vehicles need replacement, and work toward the majority of the town’s fleet being EVs by 2025.

Do a better job of keeping residents informed and getting them involved

Cary needs to do better letting residents know what their government is doing to maintain and improve the community where they live and pay taxes.

We need to do more to promote opportunities for residents to become involved with their government through the town’s boards and committees.  

And, as one of the most Internet-fluent communities in the country, the Town of Cary website should be an example of usability.  It needs to be easier and quicker for residents and businesses to use.  It needs to be more customer-friendly by making efficiency and usability a priority, while also ensuring that whatever is posted is easy to understand and easy to find related information.