For our Jobs…

Drawing on his more than three decades of work as and with C-level executives, along with his involvement with local small business owners and entrepreneurs, Jack has been instrumental in helping Cary’s economic development teams recruit employers locally, nationally and internationally. This success has generated the town’s enviable abundance of jobs and high-paying, high-skill careers, along with increased opportunities for shopping and dining locally.

The cumulative results of his experienced guidance and leadership includes an unemployment rate consistently lower than the state and national averages, local employment opportunities which provide the foundation necessary for stable communities, and an expanding employment base making it possible for our children and grandchildren to find a job or start a career without needing to relocate when it’s their time to enter the workforce.

In the next few weeks, this page will grow to list some of those employers, many of which today employ thousands of Cary residents, many of which include high-wage, career-making positions — year-are-year, placing Cary atop of rankings of where business want to locate and people want to live and work.