Jack Smith response to North Carolina Asian Americans Together


1.  Why am I running for office? 

I first ran for this office because I felt the Council at that time was not addressing citizen concerns and they forgot who they worked for. That ‘how things get done’ was not transparent and the voice of citizens was muted. I wanted to change that and I did. We’ve grown from 20,000 to 180,000 and much has been accomplished since I joined the council. We are now a more welcoming and diverse community, that over 60 nationalities call home. Though we’ve maintained our small town charm and appeal, remain one of the safest cities in the country and most family friendly place to raise our children, there is much more to do. This election is about the future and I am up for the challenge of helping Cary grow better with age. Cary needs a citizen advocate with the experience, to protect the town’s long term financial interests while simultaneously fighting for people and neighborhoods. I am that person and with your support I pledge to remain above political partisanship and dedicate my time to listening and addressing your concerns.

2.  Why do you believe you are qualified to run for office?

As a lifelong Organizational Development professional, I’ve helped companies improve their productivity by identifying critically important priorities to address, how to hire a broad culturally diverse workforce and train their management how to best make thishappen. I have lived and worked through many ‘council changes’ and I’m familiar and comfortable working in an environment of constant change. My approach is to listen first and keep an open mind. I work to earn the trust of others. I encourage dialogue and authentic behavior. I embrace evidence-based diverse and divergent viewpoints before making major decisions. My leadership style is focused on adaptability – being able to distinguish the essential from the expendable in order to craft strategies and solutions to meet the challenge. I was first elected to the town council in 1989 and am completing my eighth consecutive four-year term. In 2016, the town recognized me for being the longest serving elected official in Cary’s history with the dedication of Jack Smith Park.

3.  Have you previously engaged with the AAPI community in NC?

Yes. I am active in Sister Cities International and in 2006 was inducted into their Local Government Leadership Circle for my efforts in promoting international understanding and goodwill through mutual respect, understanding and cooperation by forging cross cultural Sister City relationships around the globe. Through my efforts Cary became ‘twins’ with Hsinchu City Taiwan and in 1991 I went there to formalize our relationship.  Since 1989, I proudly serve as liaison to Cary’s Sister City Association.

4.  How do you intend to actively engage with the AAPI community?

I have a 30+ year ongoing relationship with our local Asian community fostered by the example’s noted above. When Ya Liu was elected to CaryCouncil in 2019, I was the first council member to personally congratulate her, and have been a mentor for her since then. I’m open to how best to improve on opportunities outside of elections.

5.  According to the 2020 census………. 

A. I have no staff or paid staff. B and C are N/A.

6.  US Immigration

Question is N/A as this is a municipal council race.

7.  NCAAT in Action (hate crimes)

Cary is nationally recognized (and has been many times) as one of the safest communities in the Nation. Our police force is diverse and our leadership reflects that diversity.

8.  NCAAT in Action (language assistance)

Question is N/A as this is a municipal council race. To be clear, NC is a “Dillon’s Rule State’ which means local government can only exercise powers expressly granted them by the State.

9.  Willing to work to increase translation services in the voting process….

Question is N/A as this is a Wake County responsibility for the reasons noted above.


You didn’t ask, but…. I was born in Germany and received my US citizenship in 1967. My wife is from Ireland.  My degree is in Psychology/ Sociology. My current ‘day job’ requires international travel. I’m familiar and comfortable working in a multi-cultural environment.

 Thank you for the opportunity to respond.