Jack’s response to Common Cause

300 characters maximum allowed response

Your background, experience, qualification:

A former Fortune 50 VPHR and organizational development professional by trade. Helped companies improve their productivity, and trained their management how to hire a culturally diverse workforce. Served eight four-year terms and am the longest serving elected official in Cary’s history.

Describe your top 3 priorities and how they will impact the daily lives of residents in your town:

1. Focus on neighborhood public safety. Cannot rest on our laurels and must expand our activities. 2. Broaden Cary’s environmental protections/programs.  Increase our highly regarded sustainability and regenerative initiatives. 3. Keep citizens informed/involved. Trust is built on full transparency.

Affordable housing and how I would address:

Increase our affordable housing stock by expanding our partnerships with not-for- profits with funding in excess of 4% of town’s budget, enabling the town to act quicker than on its own. Enhance assistance programs to individuals seeking to live in Cary.